
Filmgarde Cineplexes closes down remaining theatre

Lights out, curtains down
Lights out, curtains down
25 Mar - It looks like Filmgarde Cineplexes are no more, as the cinema chain has now shut down its last cinema in Leisure Park Kallang.

The cinema company, which once operated three outlets across Singapore, shared the news on their official website, adding the quote from "The Truman Show" that read, "In case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening and good night!"

They also posted on Instagram, "Over the past 18 years, we have experienced first-hand the power of cinema as we laughed, cried, shuddered, wondered, and celebrated with you over the thousands of wonderful films that have come onto our screens.

"The cinematic experience at its best, can be cathartic and magical, and it is our hope that future generations of Singaporeans will continue to walk into the cinemas to feel this for themselves, and to encourage Singapore talent to keep making films, one step at a time. We have dimmed our screens for now so that we may embark on a new chapter of development and adventure, with film and culture still rooted firmly at the centre of our personal mission."

"Until then, please keep watching the movies, and stay tuned to this space!"

It was back in 2022 that Filmgarde Cineplexes announced that they are shutting down two of their cinemas at its Bugis and Century Square to cope with "changing trends" in the industry.
The theatre chain previously closed two of its outlets
The theatre chain previously closed two of its outlets

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