
"X-Men: First Class" sequel plot revealed

The sequel for "X-Men: First Class" may be titled and based on the story arc "Days Of Future Past".

8 June – Matthew Vaughn's "X-Men: First Class" has been seen by many to be a return to form for the Marvel mutant franchise and the start of the many sequels to come, with the possibility that said sequel will be based on the comics' story arc, "Days Of Future Past".

According to Ain't It Cool News, 20th Century Fox has recently laid claim to the title "Days Of Future Past", which fans of the Marvel franchise may recognise as the name of a story arc published in 1981 that introduced multiple timelines to the franchise.

More specifically, the story arc details the assassination of an anti-mutant politician by the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, led by Mystique and Magneto. The event causes mutants to be discriminated and hunted all over, which led to the creation of a dystopian future where mutants are almost extinct. A few surviving mutants then go back in time to warn Professor X and his X-Men to stop the assassination.

Looking at the ending of "X-Men: First Class", it seems highly likely that "Days Of Future Past" may indeed become the title of the sequel, as it can be used to explain the various continuities that separates the "X-Men: First Class" series from the original trilogy, as well as the spin-off "X-Men Origins: Wolverine" and its upcoming sequel.

The sequel for "X-Men: First Class" is currently set for release on 18 July 2014.
