
Ang Lee stuns viewers with first look of new movie

Ang Lee (R) with actor Vin Diesel.

18 Apr – Hollywood is again in awe with the talent that is Taiwanese filmmaker Ang Lee, who recently gave the first look to his new project, "Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk".

As reported on Focus Taiwan, on 16 April, the director presented an 11-minute sequence from the film in its native format at the Future of Cinema Conference held in Las Vegas, and stunned most of his viewers.

"It's a really powerful film, and a really clear presentation. It's the best 3D I've ever seen in my life. The 3D is really, really good on this thing. Absolutely amazing," said Howard Lukk, the Executive of the Society of Motion Picture Engineers.

Former Sony executive Andrew Stucker stated, "I was extraordinarily impressed. I didn't see a movie-like image, but I saw something entirely different. It was as immersive and involving an image play as I've ever seen."

The chosen footage, filmed in an unprecedented 4k resolution and 120 frames per second format, is a contrasting intercut between an Iraq War battle and a celebration of the soldiers at an NFL game in Dallas.

Based on Ben Fountain's novel of the same name, the movie stars Kristen Stewart, Vin Diesel, Steve Martin, Chris Tucker, Garrett Hedlund and Ben Platt.

"Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk" is slated for release in November 2016.

(Photo source: Liberty Times Net)

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Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk (10 Nov 2016)

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